The Dufferin Town And Country Farm Tour was started in 2000 and is hosted one Saturday each year in the fall.The annual tour gives participants an opportunity to see and experience farming and agri-business first-hand, with hosts and volunteers on hand to talk about their operation and guide you around.The Dufferin Town & Country Farm Tour is an ideal venue to reconnect the consumers to the producers of the food we eat. We support the local farm businesses in their promotion of GROW LOCAL, BUY LOCAL, EAT LOCAL.
Our mission statement:
Connecting the public with the farmers of Dufferin County’s diverse agricultural community
Why do we promote a local Farm Tour?
Objectives in presenting the Dufferin Town & Country Farm Tour are:
- If you ate Today, Thank a Farmer: The single most important reason why a Farm Tour is promoted. This is a grass roots effort to bring rural and town people together on the farm …to talk to our farmers about farming.
- To address the viability of farming: Learn about the challenges of farmers in producing a consistent supply of high-quality, safe, nutritious food at an affordable cost in an environmental and sustainable way.
- To promote buy and eat locally-grown food: to do this we must promote an understanding of the food chain. Local food is fresher, more nutritious and tastier. Money spent on local food circulates in the local economy strengthening the community for us all.